New found of Anti Fire Formula that friendly to environment, this founding is accidentally by RANDALL HARTOLAKSONO.
Who cares of cassava peel. Never mind the skin, the fruit itself did not get much attention of the scientist. But in the hands of Randall Hartolaksono, cassava peel could be anti-fire material world class.Findings of Suroboyo revolutionary people that born in March 16, 1956 it happened by accident.
It happened when he was studying Mechanical Engineering University of London (he signed in 1977, because the professor is difficult to spell Hartolaksono then later his often called by Hart). When cassava to examine the essence of leather hinge lubricant materials for robot, he accidentally spilled material over an open fire. Apparently the fire goes out. Randall amazed, under the guidance of Professor Evans, he examined the efficacy of cassava peel.
Quintessence cassava, he said, proved to break the chain of chemical reactions in the process of fire. "Active substances that can prevent the leap past the tipping point of electron energy in the outermost layer of atoms during combustion", he said. Randall called his theory "free radical" or free radicals. This theory was rejected British experts at the annual meeting at Edinburgh University, Scotland, 1982.
Only after laboratory testing for five years, the theory of Randall acknowledged. "They call the theory of chemical chain termination", he said. In further studies, the active substance from the skin of cassava, such as citric tri-potassium, it could be developed into various anti-fire products. Some are like paint, applied to the wood, making fire-resistant for 200 years! There also are included in the spray tube to extinguish the flames.
Now the three products have been certified findings Randall standard test of some countries, such as the United States, Britain and Australia. Its products can penetrate many places elite, such as Buckingham Palace England. Malaysia Companies such as Petronas, Proton and Telecom products to replace halon with Randall products environmentally friendly. Some hotels also began infiltrated to Randall products.
Holders of permanent residence status in the UK and Singapore is building his business empire called HARTINDO Chemicatama Industry. Besides in Jakarta and Surabaya, Randall also build an assembly plant in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, England and Thailand.
But the success was not achieved easily Randall. Before you get a lot of license, he must be out of laboratories in foreign countries. He gave the example AF11E found in 1983 just got a test certificate from the American standard in 2000.Randall proved, so it's not enough creative innovator, but also be resilient and patient. (G.A Guritno, Hendri Firzani)
Source: Magazine Gatra Ed. Special, August 2004.
nice post. thanks for sharing