Indonesian government release regulation about forestry no. 41 year of 1999. The consideration need to release this regulation about forestry are several factors, as follows:
- Forest as the wealth of state controlled and used entirely for the prosperity of its people, whether for current or future generation.
- Sustainable forest stewardship and vision of the world, must accommodate the dynamic of aspiration and participation of people, customs and national cultures.
The definition and limitation on this regulation such as follows:
- Forestry is concerned with a forest management system, forest area and forest product that organize in integrated manner.
- Forest is a unite ecosystem, the form of land containing natural resources.
- Forest area is designated specific area or set by government to maintain its existence to a permanent forest.
- State forest is a forest that locate on land with no encumbered land right.
- Forest right is a forest that locate on land with encumbered land right.
- Indigenous Forest is a forest in the area of customary law.
- Production forest is a forest with a fundamental function to produce forest products.
- Protected forests are forests that have a protective function as life support system to regulate water management system, prevent flooding, control erosion, prevent sea water intrusion, and maintain soil fertility.
- Conservation Forest is a forest with specific characteristic, that function to preserve of biodiversity.
- Asylum Natural Forest is a forest with specific characteristic, with serve as preservation of animals and plants species diversity and their ecosystem.
- Conservation of natural forest is a forest with certain character that have function to support life systems, preservation of plants and animals diversity and sustainable use of biological resources and their ecosystem.
- Hunting park is a place area defined as place for hunting.
- Forest products are biological object, non-biological object and derivatives.
nice post